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Adjustments in MDSC by EMA

April 1, 2021


The Market Development and Systems Charge (MDSC) was introduced in 2016 to support the development and implementation of market development initiatives for the benefit of consumers. Examples of such initiatives include the Open Electricity Market (OEM), which has allowed consumers to enjoy a wide range of electricity retail packages at competitive prices to meet their energy needs since November 2018.


To sustain the rollout of existing and new initiatives to benefit consumers, the MDSC will increase by 0.15 cents/kWh (excluding GST) per quarter from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.  The overall increase by the end of 31 March 2022 is 0.6 cents/kWh (excluding GST).  Notwithstanding the increase, the MDSC which forms part of the Market Support Service charges remains as a small component of the overall electricity price.


Should you require further information on MDSC, please visit EMA’s website at




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